In eCommerce, standing out from the crowd is essential. Content syndication is a secret weapon to achieve this.

    In this guide, we explore the essentials of content syndication as a strategy to amplify your reach and boost product visibility. Get ready to transform your marketing strategy and witness a surge in sales.

    What is Content Syndication?

    Content syndication means republishing the same content across multiple websites other than wher eit originally appeared.

    Broadcast media has used this tactic for a long time. It started with TV, where different networks aired the same shows. Today, it’s a powerful way to share content like articles, videos, and blogs online.

    By uploading content to relevant partners, many sites can access your media. It’s a way to reach your target audience beyond your existing customer base.

    Benefits of Content Syndication

    Content syndication benefits eCommerce marketers who want to strengthen their online presence. Brands can use this strategy to distribute content, improve conversions, and help customers remember their products.

    Here’s how syndication can transform your marketing efforts:


    Wider Reach: Digital content syndication puts your brand in front of a wider target audience.


    SEO Boost: Sharing content across reputable platforms can improve your rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).


    Time Efficiency: Leveraging existing content reduces the time to publish.


    Cost-Effectiveness: Syndication can be more cost effective than creating new content for eCommerce platforms.


    Authority Building: Syndicating content on platforms with established audiences can enhance site authority.

    Syndicated content can boost website traffic and increase audience engagement for some brands. This strategy saves time and ensures content is seen by your target audience.

    How Content Syndication Works

    In marketing, content syndication is when a brand shares content on multiple channels.

    For example, in journalism, newswires syndicate content with different publications. This practice is also important in social media, paid media, and eCommerce.

    The process starts when a publisher creates content, like articles, blog posts, or videos.

    This content is then republished to other sites, like blogs, social media sites, news outlets, or web-based platforms. The goal is to increase visibility and reach among the target audience.

    This benefits both the original publisher and the third-party sites. The publisher gains more exposure, while its content syndication partners gets fresh content to engage its audience and improve its SEO.

    Understanding how content syndication works across different platforms is important. Read on to explore the processes involved.

    News Feed Syndication

    News feed syndication is a staple in journalism. Major news organizations like AP and Reuters compile articles and distribute them to various news websites.

    It helps share information so that current events reach a global audience.

    Social Media Syndication

    Social media syndication maximises reach. By uploading content to one platform, companies and creators can distribute it to thousands, if not millions, of users.

    Marketers can use software to share content on multiple social platforms at once, maintaining brand consistency.

    Social Media Syndication Networks

    Your Best Bets for Brand Awareness
    PlatformDescriptionSyndication Method
    YouTubeVideo sharingUpload videos to your channel
    FacebookSocial MediaShare content inside posts
    LinkedInSocial MediaShare content inside posts, articles, videos, and more
    PinterestImage SharingShare images with pins
    InstagramImage SharingShare images with posts
    FlipboardVirtual MagazinesShare content automatically
    MediumOpen PublishingRepublish blogs and articles on your page
    SubstackOpen PublishingRepublish articles with a built-in editor
    QuoraQuestion and AnswersLink content when writing answers
    RedditNetwork of Online ForumsShare content within posts and comments

    Paid content syndication networks operate on a fee-based model. You can publish your content across a network of sites by paying a fee. This is also sometimes referred to as native advertising.

    Publishers label this content as sponsored to ensure transparency. Common paid content syndication networks include Outbrain, Taboola, Dianomi, and the Google Display Network.

    eCommerce Content Syndication

    In eCommerce, content flow is constant. Brands regularly create and update content like product pictures, descriptions, and videos.

    This content helps with branding and keeping products updated and fresh for customers.

    The traditional process has inefficiencies. Brands send their latest content with specific go-live and takedown dates, but retailers must update each product page.

    Your Content at 350+ Online Shops Worldwide

    Product Content Syndication for Brands

    list icon
    Multiply Revenue Across Retailers
    Optimise your ROI per content piece by syndicating content to multiple retailers simultaneously.
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    Consistent Content Everywhere
    Eliminate outdated content for good! Set go-live and takedown dates so you can stop chasing your retail-side counterparts.
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    Publish and Update Instantly
    Publish and update content with a single click. Make one change and publish it everywhere the content is live.

    This method is error-prone and time-consuming. The result? Missed deadlines, outdated content, and wasted resources. For retailers with many product pages, it’s overwhelming and delays current content, hurting sales and customer trust.

    The good news is there’s a better way. A modern content syndication network can automate content distribution and updates across many retailer platforms, including retailer PDPs.

    These platforms keep the latest content live without manual work. This saves time and ensures customers have the most up-to-date product information.

    Product Content Syndication with DemoUp Cliplister

    For online shopping, sharing product information with customers is crucial. DemoUp Cliplister’s product content syndication software leads this revolution.

    Brands can upload videos, images, 3D models, and augmented reality experiences. With a network of over 450 retailers, the software automatically publishes content to all relevant PDPs.

    Retailers that join as a content syndication partner can add over 300,000 videos and 3D models to their product pages.

    Our advanced software matches content to the correct product pages using EANs. It places visual content in the image gallery above the fold, where it is most visible to customers.

    Content syndication with DemoUp Cliplister.
    Content syndicated with DemoUp Cliplister.

    Automating this process improves presentation, increases sales, and enhances the customer experience. Brands and retailers using our services see significant revenue increases.

    For brands, shoppers are happier with better product information to help them decide what to buy.

    Retailers get better content coverage and automatic updates. This removes discrepancies from outdated information.

    This approach benefits everyone. Brands get control and consistency. Retailers get automatic updates. Customers get reliable, detailed information.

    Learn more about the benefits of this innovative approach to eCommerce publishing in our article on product content syndication.

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    Why B2B Content Syndication is Essential for eCommerce

    In eCommerce, B2B content syndication is a must. Creating high-quality content can be expensive and time-consuming.

    For example, a video that costs £5,000 to produce becomes more cost-effective when shared with multiple retailers. If ten retailers use the video, the cost per retailer is just £500. The more retailers you share it with, the lower the cost per retailer, boosting your overall ROI.

    Note: To see which retailers are in our network, book a call and we’ll provide a list.

    Syndicated content also lets brands control their content on the product pages of major retailers. This is crucial for keeping a consistent brand message, which builds customer trust and loyalty.

    Content syndication helps brands reach more customers. Brands can reach more of their target market without making new content for each site. This saves time and keeps your message consistent everywhere.

    In short, joining a content syndication network helps brands maximise reach while minimising effort and cost. Which helps your brand stand out online using your existing content.

    Exclusive Content From 3,000+ Brands

    Product Content Syndication for Online Retailers

    list icon
    300,000+ Videos & 3D Models
    Access 300,000+ product videos, interactive 3D models, augmented reality experiences, and more.
    list icon
    Improved Content Coverage
    Easily improve video and 3D coverage in your online shop. Boost conversions and make more sales.
    list icon
    Continuously Updated Content Pool
    Get the most recent and up-to-date content integrated into your website automatically.

    Syndicated Content in the Online Marketplace

    In the online marketplace, content syndication comes in various forms, each serving a specific purpose for consumers. Syndicated content can include videos and product data feeds.

    In the following sections, we will explore each type in detail, discussing their importance and how they improve the buyer experience.

    Product Videos

    Product videos are crucial for online shopping as they show what the products look like. They are especially effective for explaining complex features or demonstrating products in action.

    For consumers, this visual context can be the deciding factor in the purchasing process. These videos can increase conversion rates because buyers can see exactly what they’re getting. They offer a dynamic alternative to still pictures.

    For more insights into the power of product videos, visit our article on product videos.

    3D & AR Models

    Online shopping is evolving with 3D eCommerce, making online shopping more interactive. Customers can scan QR codes to see products in their space, blending online and in-store shopping.

    While many brands create such content, implementation can be challenging for retailers.

    Our software simplifies this process, benefiting both parties. To see our capabilities in creating these models,check out our work.

    Types of Syndicated Product Content

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    Product Videos

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    3D & AR Models

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    360-Degree Spin Views

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    Review Videos

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    Awards & Quality Seals

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    Product Data & Specs

    Customer Reviews

    Customer reviews, in text or video format, are crucial for building trust and credibility. Potential buyers value honest opinions from other users, which can influence their purchasing decisions.

    Our review video production service is cost-effective, syndicating finished projects directly to the point of sale, saving 80% compared to traditional influencer marketing.

    This offers a genuine and affordable way to gain customer trust. For more information on creating engaging review videos for your brand, explore our review videos.

    Awards & Quality Seals

    Awards and quality seals on product pages show that respected third parties believe the product is safe and high-quality. These accolades are influential in the customer’s decision-making process.

    Experts vet and rate products, providing social proof. These symbols help brands gain consumer trust and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

    Product Data, Descriptions, and Specifications

    Syndicating product information, descriptions, and specifications is standard in eCommerce, and is done through product data feeds.

    Customers can learn everything they need to about a product, helping them make smarter purchases. However, this alone isn’t enough.

    Brands must add valuable content that covers the entire buying process. Demonstrating value is crucial. Businesses should offer real product experiences, including user-generated content like reviews and testimonials.

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    How to Build an Effective eCommerce Content Syndication Strategy

    An excellent eCommerce content syndication strategy helps your brand reach a wider audience and build brand recognition on different platforms. This strategy conserves resources and creates a cohesive brand narrative.

    Follow these steps to create a strong content syndication framework that matches your marketing goals and stands out.

    1. Create Awesome Content

    The saying “content is king” holds especially true in syndication.

    Start by creating content that captivates and educates your audience. It should reflect your brand and communicate your message.

    Your content must stand out, whether it’s high-quality images, informative videos, or engaging descriptions.

    Memorable content encourages customers to return and buy. If creating high-quality content is difficult, our team can help.

    Contact us for expert guidance on crafting content that embodies your brand’s vision and resonates with your audience. Get in touch and see how we can help you.

    2. Evaluate Syndication Partners

    The success of your content syndication depends on the partners you choose.

    To find the right content syndication partners for your brand, research the type of content they syndicate and the websites in their network.

    Consider the reach, reputation, and relevance of potential partners. Using a mix of networks can optimise coverage and impact.

    Each network has unique strengths, such as amplifying reach, targeting niche markets, or specific content types and placements.

    To explore your options and choose the best fit for your content, learn about various content syndication platforms here.

    3. Choose Your Channels

    After identifying potential syndication partners, select your channels. Analyse where your content will have the most impact.

    Also consider your target audience. Think about the type of content they engage with, and their geographical location if targeting specific markets. Localising content for different regions increases its effectiveness.

    Keep in mind how your goals affect channel selection. For awareness, include social media channels. For conversions, focus on PDP content.

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    4. Maintain Consistency

    Consistency in content syndication means keeping a uniform brand voice and coherent messages across all platforms. This builds a reliable and trustworthy brand image.

    It also simplifies content management and helps your team track content syndication efforts while increasing brand recognition among consumers.

    Consistent product communication reinforces your brand’s values and strengthens your connection with your audience, which is crucial for long-term engagement and loyalty.

    5. Promote Your Content

    Promote your syndicated content strategically. Use social media to tease content, create buzz, and drive traffic.

    Short, engaging trailers of product videos can generate interest, and snippets from review videos can showcase the customer experience.

    Use multiple channels to reach more people, but be strategic. Not every piece of content suits every channel.

    Aim to create a seamless omnichannel experience that guides the consumer from social media to detailed content on PDPs.

    6. Track and Analyze

    Track and analyse your content’s performance across all platforms. This data reveals what resonates with your audience and what doesn’t.

    Understanding customer interactions helps you spot patterns and trends for future strategies. Our platform provides detailed analytics, including views, attention spans, and more. Both brands and retailers can use this data to make informed decisions.

    7. Adjust With Data

    Adjust your strategy based on data. Analyse metrics to understand customer engagement. Look at view rates, attention spans, and repeat views to identify what works and what needs improvement.

    Use this data to tweak and optimise your content. Continuous analysis and adjustments based on consumer behaviour and performance metrics are crucial for staying competitive in eCommerce.

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    Wrapping Up

    B2B content syndication is essential for eCommerce companies that want to reach a broader audience and boost consumer engagement.

    We offer complete eCommerce content solutions to help brands and shops streamline their strategy and grow.

    Learn how we can accelerate your eCommerce growth by visiting our homepage.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Content syndication can be complex. This section answers common questions and provides insights.

    Digital content syndication is distributing and sharing digital content, such as movies, 3D/AR models, or product reviews, across another online platform or third-party website in the eCommerce industry.

    When you syndicate content, you are sharing it on third-party sites. In eCommerce, retailers allow brands to publish product videos and other content on their product pages. DemoUp Cliplister combines content creation, syndication, and digital asset management for the world’s largest eCommerce companies. Our platform lets brands publish videos, 3D/AR models, 360-degree views, and more in the image galleries of the biggest online shops.

    Yes, content syndication is worth it for most businesses. Instead of creating one piece of content, manually asking for it to be implemented, and following up over time with updates, brands can control which pieces of content go where themselves.

    It offsets the cost of content creation, improves reach, and multiplies revenue across endpoints where buyers are looking for reassurance and trust signals.

    Content syndication platforms connect content creators (in eCommerce terms, brands) with publishers (retailers). Brands upload content, and retailers republish and share it with their audiences.

    It expands content reach, increases conversions, and allows brands to implement attribution to each piece of content at a retailer. Performance is tracked, and other agreements may be in place.

    There are several benefits of syndication. Brands can always have the most relevant content at their most important shops, update content, and remove expired content.

    So, retailers always have a large pool of content to pull from, which increases content coverage, boosts add-to-cart conversions, and leads to more revenue by providing users with the information they want at the point of sale.

    There are several types of syndication, but the main types are paid networks, news feeds, social media, and eCommerce.

    You can see more about the different types of content syndication in the how syndication works section of this article.

    Content syndication, in the literal sense, is not free. In our system, retailers pay for access to brand assets, and brands pay for hosting and syndicating their videos on the network.

    Read about our content syndication offerings, request pricing, or more information below: