Digital asset management for e-commerce is of growing importance. It supports the management and storage of all digital assets while significantly increasing efficiency.

    Integrating DAM processes as a brand simplifies brand management, and retailers benefit from better organisation of product videos and images in online stores.

    Why is Digital Asset Management for e-commerce different?

    E-Commerce digital asset management describes a process that focuses on organising business-related digital content. The main difference between e-commerce DAM and creative digital asset management lies in the functions and processes they improve.

    As a process, e-commerce DAM focuses on delivering assets to end-users, while creative digital asset management focuses on managing content creation and approval workflows.

    Each will have some overlap into the other, but the end results are different.

    Some e-commerce digital asset management solutions, like ours, enable automated product content syndication to different online retailers. This content is customised according to the different requirements of the retailers’ platforms.

    Product content syndication is an important part of digital asset management for eCommerce applications.

    The goal is to create a consistent brand image and an optimal customer experience where the products offered are presented in the best possible way.

    E-Commerce DAM software is particularly helpful in asset processing. The solution offers various tools that can be used to enrich images, videos and product information with logos, watermarks or a change in pixel density.

    In this way, cross-channel consistency is achieved, which is easy to implement and has a positive impact on brand image. The rise of omni-and-multi-channel marketing is one of the main reasons why digital asset management is crucial for marketers today.

    With DAM, your content is accessible to all authorised users, regardless of time or location, enabling flexible work processes with high efficiency.

    This methodology promotes independent working and shortens communication channels within your organisation. Implementing DAM also enables global control of product content.

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    The Benefits of E-Commerce DAMs for Brands and Shops

    The use of e-commerce digital asset management software brings serious advantages, especially for brands and retailers. Various integrated functions enable uncomplicated and simplified delivery of content to various channels, optimised for end users.

    These include, above all, dynamic content delivery networks (CDN for short).

    Through globally distributed servers, larger media files can be delivered without any problems. In addition, both costs and the loading time of websites can be significantly reduced.

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    The customer experience can be further enhanced by dynamic image and video delivery. The relevance of both functions is extremely high, especially for online retail, and goes hand in hand with a saving in storage space.

    This process ensures digital assets are automatically displayed in the appropriate format for any end-user device. Edited content is always stored in the latest version and adapted on all channels.

    Product and brand videos can be integrated into the product gallery without any hassle thanks to this function, which ensures increased conversion rates.

    The integration of an e-commerce digital asset management system into your workflows offers you several advantages, including time and cost savings, and contributes to a positive customer experience.

    The Common Features of e-commerce DAM Systems

    E-Commerce DAM systems offer a variety of features relevant to selling products online. Here are some of the things you should look for in an e-commerce DAM solution:

    • Dynamic image delivery
    • Unlimited asset versions
    • Image scaling
    • Video syndication
    • Template and banner editing
    • Easy search function to find any image in millions of files

    Paying attention to these features when you choose a DAM system significantly reduces your content’s time to market, and ensures you get the best digital asset management software for your use case.

    Keeping E-Commerce Assets Safe

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    Protecting your digital content is one of the main advantages of using DAM tools. Access to product data is regulated by user rights and can be controlled by you individually.

    In addition, your digital content is stored securely in the cloud at all times. This content can be shared with external stakeholders and other authorised parties via private links.

    User Permissions

    Access control is one of the most important ways to increase security when managing digital content.

    To set up access controls properly, it’s helpful to determine which people and departments have access to specific assets.

    Think carefully about what the optimal access management might look like for different assets.

    Secure Storage of Digital Assets

    Integrating a DAM can save you up to 60% more storage space than without. Most DAMs optimise, compress, and store all enterprise-related media in one place.

    In addition, current asset versions resulting from edits are automatically stored. Cloud-based DAMs also offer security measures such as two-factor authentication and biometrics to protect against hacking attempts.

    Private Links for Sharing

    E-Commerce digital asset management solutions often have features to share content privately or publicly as needed. Product content can be distributed by embedding the relevant link on your company’s website or other channels.

    Operational collaboration on asset creation is also possible and can be done by sharing private links. These include only the respective files and can be provided with time-limited access.

    Improving Brand/Retailer Collaboration

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    DAM significantly simplifies collaboration between brands and retailers in e-commerce. The comprehensive organisation of content helps make processes more efficient and faster.

    Brands benefit from increased visibility and one-click content updates. Content distribution can be centralised from a single point and no longer requires long email chains to get content in the right place.

    E-Commerce companies market across many channels. Whether you use a multichannel or omnichannel approach, e-commerce digital asset management helps you achieve brand consistency across every channel, which contributes to a positive customer experience.

    If you have videos, 3D models or augmented reality experiences, you can share them with all stores connected to the system. This is known as content syndication.

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    Digital asset management CTA image

    Benefits for retailers also include the ability to create an infinite number of image variations from a single primary file, create responsive templates and banners, and acquire content from the brands they carry.

    DemoUp Cliplister, for example, gives retailers access to exclusive product content, such as branded videos, that you can integrate into your own store via a native video management platform. This high-quality content improves Google rankings and increases conversion rates.

    According to a recent study by E-Commerce Magazine, the relevance of digital asset management solutions in online retail is steadily increasing. The reason for this is that the tasks of these software solutions no longer lie in the pure management of data.

    Rather, it is about the management of an entire content strategy and the processing of diverse media based on different formats.

    E-Commerce Digital Asset Management With DemoUp Cliplister

    DemoUp Cliplister is the only digital asset management system in the world designed specifically for e-commerce. We integrate with leading PIM solutions and have data and expertise from over a decade in the industry.

    With over 13 years of experience integrating DAM into various e-commerce workflows, you won’t find another provider with as much built-in functionality for online sales. Here are some of the features that are integrated in our system:

    Tailored to Your E-Commerce Needs

    The Best Way to Manage, Share and Deliver Your Media Files

    Dynamic Image Delivery
    Deliver images in any format and size with our lightning-fast image CDN. Save time and improve page speeds by up to 300%.
    Template & Banner Editor
    Save time and costs for internal design processes. Let your team create custom marketing assets with flexible templates.
    Product Content Syndication
    Distribute your finished product content in real time within our network of over 2500 brands and retailers.


    In the age of digitalisation, the use of digital asset management is highly important, especially for selling products online.

    E-Commerce DAM tools facilitate collaboration between brands and retailers and contribute to a uniform product presentation. The functions of a DAM solution enable uncomplicated updates and optimal content display.

    In addition to these specific online retail features, you also get all the core benefits that an e-commerce DAM can bring to your organisation.

    These include comprehensive management and storage of all digital content, as well as simplified collaboration between colleagues.

    To learn more about digital asset management, product content, or e-commerce in general, visit our blog.

    To see our full product portfolio, check out our homepage.

    E-Commerce Digital Asset Management FAQs

    Digital asset management in e-commerce involves organising, storing, and retrieving digital files efficiently. It streamlines the management of product images, videos, and other content, ensuring a seamless and organised workflow for online businesses.

    Digital asset management in e-commerce enhances efficiency by centralising and organising multimedia content. It accelerates content retrieval, ensures brand consistency, and facilitates collaborative workflows, leading to improved customer experiences and operational effectiveness.

    Select an e-commerce digital asset management solution based on scalability, user-friendliness, metadata capabilities, version control, and integration with other tools. Ensure it aligns with your business needs, supporting seamless content creation, management, and distribution.

    Manage digital assets in e-commerce by organising files logically, implementing metadata tagging, version control, and ensuring a user-friendly interface. Utilise digital asset management systems to streamline workflows, making it easy to access, share, and update multimedia content effectively.

    Consider implementing an e-commerce digital asset management system if you face challenges in organising, accessing, or sharing digital content. Signs include content disorganisation, slow retrieval times, and difficulties maintaining brand consistency. An effective system enhances workflow efficiency and content management.